
a baseball-lovin boy.

oh how i love this boy who loves baseball.  

we finished up the regular baseball season this week.  next week we start the post-season.  gotta love baseball season!  he is our boy who loves to bat, loves to practice grounders and pop-flies (he even lets his mama practice with him), loves to go to his games, says incredibly thoughtful prayers before his games, he's starting to be interested in watching baseball on tv, can't wait for his baseball camp, and most of all - he loves to  s l i d e!

go dodgers!


rocket men.

one of our memorial day activities was building a rocket launcher and rocket.  cory and connor were in heaven!  it was pretty impressive to see how high the rockets went!  thanks to help from gpa and spence we had a fun saturday full of playin.



you know you've had a lot of work done on the house when you hear this:

today while playing mabel gave the order to "just re-stucco everything..."

that's kinda how i feel and sums up the last few months...


an afternoon with the ducks.

last week i thought to myself, i should try and do a short daily blog entry, just for a week, showing the "everyday" things we do.  i thought it'd be a fun memory.  yeah...didn't happen.  maybe i'll get to it soon. :)  anyways, one day last week we spent an afternoon at the park feeding the ducks and playing at the playground.  we had a great time.

elsie is our animal lover.  any animal she sees she gets so excited and always says this cute, short "hi."  she was in heaven with all the birds. 

she finally resorted to just eating her bread.  she's a smart girl.

connor tried to launch one out to the swan in the distance.  he would have made it except for the branches in the way.  

connor and mabel loved this.  i remember playing at the same park when i was little and loving a similar one.

one of our treasures.