
miss mae.

our miss mae turned 4 years old over the weekend.  everyone says it, but it's so hard to believe how fast the time has gone.  we celebrated with a fun easter tea party with all her cute girlie cousins.  we ate some of mabel's favorite foods, made some glitter easter eggs, jelly bean bracelets and even threw in an egg hunt.  loads of fun for this 4 year old!  she received many sweet and thoughtful gifts!  thanks to all for such a great birthday for our precious girl!

after the hunt, checking out the loot.

our cute girl with her healing lip {keep reading for more about that}

she can now officially ride a 2 wheeler with no training wheels!  
within 5 minutes, she was riding by herself! 
thank you strider bike!  

{she inherited the strider balance bike from connor, who inherited it from his cousin.  can't say enough about those bikes.  seriously, a.m.a.z.i.n.g.}

all the girls showing off their jellybean bracelets.

here's a picture of mabel the first night after she, as she puts it, "face landed on the curb".  poor girl.  her lip was swollen out as far as her nose.  she was running into the school one day and tripped and quite literally, "face landed" on the curb.  luckily, none of her teeth fell out and only one of them was pushed back.  but, now, she's about healed and we're just a little more careful as we run into the school now!

happy birthday sweet girl!  we love you.



If a leprechaun gave me one wish, I would ask for...{connor} "to swim in a green swimming pool."


our basketball boy.

connor had an awesome first basketball season.  he decided that bball is his favorite sport.  we'll see if that changes soon with baseball coming quickly.  he learned a lot and loved every minute of it!  thanks to all those who came and supported him!  

way to go connor!!