
pickup fairy.

at our house we have someone special who comes and picks up toys when they are left out.  she is called the pickup fairy.  she picks up the toys and takes them away for an unknown amount of time.  one never knows when the pickup fairy will come.  but sometimes, when you're lucky the pickup fairy will give the mama and daddy a heads up that she will be coming that night.

and so it was a few weeks ago, the pickup fairy let us know that she would be coming.  so we hurried and picked up the best we could.  mabel was very concerned that she would still come, even though all the toys were picked up.  so she decided she needed a sign on her door.  

let's just say that we need to add the pickup fairy
to the list of things mabel is afraid of.


one tooth down.

connor lost his very first tooth last night!  he was super excited and couldn't believe that it didn't hurt.  we've been working on getting this tooth out for about 3 weeks now.  yeah for connor!

{waiting for the bus the next morning.  
couldn't wait to go show all his friends!}


on hallows eve.

a 'go utes' football player +
a fairy princess +
another fairy, just not as cooperative =
one awesome holiday!

we had fun halloween this year.  we had several parties to go to, lots of opportunities to wear the costumes, and we still have lots of candy!  it was awesome!

{just ready to head out trick-or-treating} 

{elsie refused to wear her costume after putting it on for 3 days straight!} 

{cory did the trick-or-treat duty this year, yeah for me!} 

{at punky's halloween party} 

{a happier halloween moment for elsie} 

{cory's flynn rider pumpkin and my lantern} 

 {mabel's hello kitty}

{connor's frankenstein...that's "not so scary"...
sorry bud, it was the best i could do!}


sweet els.

{her favorite position these days.}

elsie had her 15 month {really 16 month} checkup this am.  she is growing very well and is thinning out now that she's a walker.  here's how she's lookin.

21 lbs 13 oz {25%}
32 1/2" {90%}
18 1/2" head {70%}

oh how we love this girl.  she is still our mellow child. though she loves to follow the other two around and play, her favorite is to roam free around the house when they are at school, napping or playing with friends.  

she's a very quiet, independent player.  i even lose her throughout the house if i'm not careful.  once i could not find her after going through the upstairs calling her name and looking in all the bedrooms.  then i thought to look in the bathroom, which i didn't think she'd be in there because the door was shut and the light was off...but sure enough...there she was just quietly playing in the dark!!  

she's has also found her voice. she has a low, boomin' voice so we like to call her "boomer" when she really gets going.

she is precious in every way and we love her so much!