
pumpkins for sale.

after the pumpkin hunt, all the pumpkins in the patch were gathered and split up between the grandkids.  they could then take these pumpkins home and have a pumpkin sale.  it's been a great experience for the kids to talk with people, sell things and be able to earn some money.  thanks grandpa!!

connor has been pretty shy talking with everyone.  mabel is super cute and makes it pretty hard to resist not buying a pumpkin with her standing outside with her sign upside down!

gpa stopped by to see how the selling was going.
thanks again, grandpa!!

grandpa's pumpkin patch.

we went pumpkin hunting at gpa's pumpkin patch last monday for fhe.  the kids pretty much loved it!   it's always so exciting to find the perfect one!  connor and mabel wanted to wear part of their costumes. we'll have more on that later.  here are some of the highlights from the hunt.

the lower patch. 

mabel found a good one.

all the grandkids minus baby ryan 
{he was in the paparazzi section.}

this pic gave me flashbacks from the last hunt.
if i knew how to link it to last year's i would...but i don't.



we were busy tubby-ing the kids a few nights ago.  elsie was the first one done, so i lolo-ed her up {lotion} and put her jammies on.  then i set her free to get mabel soaped up.  after a while cory says i need to come look at something and this is what we found.  elsie had climbed into the tub with connor.  funny girl.

it was pretty funny.  flashback 2 years and mabel did the same thing...only she didn't like it so much!


fishing with grandpa.

connor and mabel got to fishing with gpa packer yesterday {and anna, thanks for all the cute pics!! ;)}.  needless to say, the kids had the best. time. ever.  it was a very good day for fishing.

one of mabel's fish.

connor's huge fish. 

connor: "grandpa, how much do you think it weighs?  probably like 30 pounds."
connor:  "anna, how many people could that feed?  i bet 100."
{thanks to anna for sharing all the sweet moments!}

the videos are the cutest thing ever!!  
they show how excited connor was for sure!


date night with my boy.

it was our turn to use the tickets because of priesthood session, so connor and i had a fun date night.  despite the loss, we had a great time!  thanks for the fun date connor!

connor had the camera most of the time and took pictures for us.  he's a pretty precious boy!  oh, how i love him!