
happy easter.

we had a wonderful easter at our house.

we can now add the easter bunny to the list of things mabel is scared of, along with elves and leprechauns. so following her request, the we left the easter buckets outside the back door for the easter bunny to find, fill and then hide - outside. under no circumstances was the easter bunny allowed to come inside our house. much to the kids excitement, the buckets were filled on easter morning with wonderful treats and surprises.

{empty buckets just waiting to be filled}

{examining the loot}

{easter photos at grandma & grandpa's}

Spring is such a special time of year. i love the renewal that it brings and the promise of wonderful things to come. we had wonderful teaching moments throughout the week talking with the kids about the Savior and His life, sacrifice, death, and resurrection. it's amazing how much the kids remember, even at such a young age. i'm constantly reminded how they are smarter than me. we truly are so blessed.


army crawlin.

{els has quite the scowl}

while we were away on spring break,
elsie began to army crawl.
she also had 2 more teeth come in, for a total of 6.
4 on top, with big gaps in between. {so cute!}
and 2 on the bottom.

today she turns 10 months old.
it's hard to believe she's growing so fast!

we had her well check a few days ago
and here's how big she is these days.

18 lbs 13 oz {40%}
29 3/4" long {>95%, off the charts}
17 3/4" head {70%}

she loves to laugh and watch these 2 hooligans.

{one night in mesquite, notice mae's awesome lipstick job}


let the games begin.

connor started another baseball and soccer season last week.
this year his baseball team is the rangers.

right now baseball is his favorite.
he'd play all day, everyday.
should be a fun few weeks!