

connor has been asking about igloos for a while now.
each time i'd tell him that we (dad) made one when i was little.

so yesterday cory took connor out and started the construction.
after recruiting some help (thanks gpa & anna!),
and relocating snow from the entire front yard,
an igloo was built.

connor's pretty much in heaven!
the first thing he asked about
when we got home from church today,
"when can i go in my igloo?"



mabel put up a good fight the other day going down for naps.
but then gave up.

and elsie cracks me up with her hands.
she stayed like this for a good hour.

pretty cute girls.
now i need somebody to send me down for a nap!


6 months

our elsie is now 6 months old.

15 lbs 12 oz (50%)
27" long (95%)

here's what she's been up to.

she's a rollin' machine.
she's starting to sit.
she loves oatmeal much more than rice cereal.
she loves sweet potatoes, squash, green beans & applesauce.
she loves to smile and laugh.
she loves to play with connor & mabel,
which usually involves pulling their hair.
she has the brown hair, but her eyes are deciding.
she's still our sweet, mellow babe.


christmas adventures

this year we followed the same tradition as last year
and had a special thing to do everyday
in december up until christmas day.

each morning the kids would open the box
and pull out our activity/adventure for the day.

i told myself last year i needed to take more pictures
to document all the fun, but i failed miserably, again.

we had tons of fun and celebrated the holiday in many fun ways.
here are some of the highlights.

drive to see the animal lights
{we drove over there but the hayride line was huge
and it was freezing outside, so we opted out}
decorate christmas tree
make christmas bread
sleep under the tree
walk around temple square and see the lights
deliver neighbor goodies
make homemade snowflakes
take cory out to lunch
see santa for fhe
go sledding
watch the nativity movie
make a snowman
play games
read christmas scriptures
watch a charlie brown christmas
drink hot cocoa with marshmallows
watch a movie with popcorn
read christmas books
cory and connor go skiing
act out the nativity

and more that i can't remember off the top of my head.

connor's tree

mabel's tree looks a lot like connor's last year,
candies all lined up.

with mabel, everything goes in a straight line.
{chairs, books, candies on the tree, and magnetic letters & christmas cards on the fridge are all lined up at our house}


mabel's latest thing she loves to say is "so."
she adds it to the end of whatever she's saying.
then she adds this little shrug of the shoulders.
it's pretty classic.

santa must be a 'go utes' fan. so.

along with a kitchen and a bball hoop,
he outfitted the fam in red, just like his coat.