
woot woot!

pretty good thanksgiving i'd say.


we are...


this year we've tried to

help the kids recognize

all the blessings our

Heavenly Father & Jesus has blessed us with.

even the simple ones.

so, this year we are thankful for:

Family, Jesus Christ, pockets, rain, scriptures, food, prophet, cars, dogs, nice people, pumpkins, warm tubby, trips, clean house, movies, medicine, friends, McDonald’s, grandmas & grandpas, gas, apostles, sukison, school, piano, fish, sausage, sunsets, chairs, games, ledatards, Sara, warm sun, coconut, backpacks, home, voice, testimony, raspberries, books, exercise, Temples, Connor, missions, sacrament, good helpers, trees, birthdays, that mom makes good food, daddy’s work, wood, garden, animals, forks, clothes, Daddy, Bella, music, loves, grass, Heavenly Father, grocery bags, straws, cups, Elsie, hands, gloves, when Grandpa Jaxon comes to our house, cable box, Book of Mormon, trains, naptime, scriptures, cheese, prayer, eyes, closets, jammies, shoes, bodies, Mabel, Mama, snow, spirit, fans, pictures, leaves, blankies, priesthood, pantry, Holy Ghost, paper, Joseph Smith, drawings, plates, carrots, toys, airplanes, nose, hats, camera, wind, water, napkins, tape, stuffed animals, bibs, go out to lunch with mama & kids, lights, sink, smiles, window well covers, earrings, dresses, sweaters, mountains, teeth, Connor’s drawing, blue sky, compost pile, mama's curly hair, catching lizards in Mesquite, being a mama, Mesquite, candy, flutes, country, Mama to feed Elsie, sippies, santa, being married to daddy, gingerbread houses, coats, being a forever family.

{each night for the last month
we've each said something that we are thankful for,
written it on a leave
and attached it to our "thankful" tree.}


black-eyed, brown eye boy

connor got his first black eye last week.
he and a friend were jumping on the tramp
and bonked heads.

he's been pretty proud of it!
none of the pics i took did it justice,
but this gives you an idea.


4 months old!

it is amazing that elsie is 4 months old already!
as you can see she is enjoying her mush.

here is how our baby girl has grown...

11 lbs 13 oz (25th%)
25 inches long (90th%)
16 inches head circumference (50%)

our sweet girl is the most mellow baby i've ever seen!
she is full of smiles and loves to snuggle.
she doesn't look too much like connor or mabel,
she has her own look.
she's started laughing and is so special.
we are so grateful for her!

a rainy night

halloween was so fun this year!
after a few parties and carving pumpkins,
the kids loved trick-or-treating in the pouring rain!

we had: cowboy connor, fairy princess mabel,
& fairy princess elsie.

if mabel looks the same as last year...
that's because she is.
up until a week before, she planned on being a cowgirl with elsie,
but decided to switch on me last minute!
luckily, she wanted to be a fairy princess and we had everything ready.
and, of course, mabel wanted elsie to be whatever she was.
so that's the story of how we turned 2 cowgirls into 2 fairy princesses.

it was my turn to walk the kids around this year.
the rain made it wet, but that didn't stop us!
connor didn't want to stop until his bucket was "full to the top!"