
the birthday girl

Well, the baby girl is not so baby anymore!
She is our big girl now!

We had a fun time celebrating her 2nd birthday
yesterday and look forward to her party on Saturday.

I think this one shows how she's
got Cory wrapped around her finger!

In her new birthday outfit.

Dancing, of course.

As pleased as can be.


peeper hunting

In all the years growing up,
I don't remember ever going to pick out baby peepers.
Maybe my pregnant memory fails me...

Last Saturday, Grandpa Packer took some of the grand kids
to pick out 2 of their very own.

We came home with 12 peepers...
what a softie Grandpa is.
That or Grandma just wants lots of eggs.

But Bennett needs 2 for sure, and
2 more to represent the new ones coming this spring/summer.

I guess it's all even.

waiting by the car while more shopping was going on.

I like this one even though it's not in focus
Grandpa Packer's new dog, Zoe, is in the background.


the loot

Hope your St Patrick's Day was as fun as ours!

We started the day with green french toast...
Connor was not convinced about eating green food.
We did managed to get 1 bite in him though.

We followed the leprechaun trail that lead us to treasure!

Not a lot of things are better than
chocolate gold coins and gold fish crackers!

This is Connor's favorite shot because the gold is shiny!


Saying goodbye at preschool

Connor has such a tender heart.
Today, when I dropped him off to school,
I watched him from the classroom doorway.

I was about to leave and he looked over at me.
I waved and he waved back.
Then, bless his heart, he started smacking his lips.
While smacking those lips he walked over and gave me a kiss.
In front of all his friends.

I know he's only 4,
but I'm pretty sure it won't be long before
he doesn't want to give his mama kisses,
let alone in front of his friends.

Pretty good start for the day.