
Our worker-man

I can't believe that our Connor is 4 years old!
It seems hard to believe that the years have flown by.

I had a lot of mixed feelings last week.
I felt a lot of gratitude for this sweet little boy and
for a loving Heavenly Father
who watched over him so carefully when he was just born.

It's pretty wonderful how a little boy can change your life forever.

Connor and Mabel celebrating at Chuck E. Cheese

On Friday night, Connor had a worker-man party with all the family.
Complete with a project and everything...

The whole crew minus Bella and Bennett


The birthday boy

Happy Birthday Connor man!

We love you!!


Frosty lives again

Frosty's back.
It took some work this year (not enough snow).

Connor had a "good idea" to bring the snow from
the back to the front yard using his tractor.
Connor thought it was the best thing ever!

Frosty came back just in time for Chinese New Year.
His head becomes the launchpad for our fireworks.
The fireworks look much bigger that way.


the big 2-1

We had a birthday celebration today.

The kids wanted to wish Snoop a wonderful birthday.
We are so grateful for his missionary service.

Connor loves "Spen" so much.
He talks about him every day.

Happy Birthday Elder Packer!

{we had to take turns blowing out the candles}

{Mabel likes to lick the frosting the best}

Lots of pictures for a party without the guest of honor!
{just wait till next year!}


When the circus comes to town

It's always exciting when the circus comes to Farmington!
This year was no different.
Mabel was much older this year
and was enthralled by the elephants!

She couldn't wait to get close to them.

Here she is happily checking them out.
Then came time to ride them...

She was not lovin' it at first!

Then she had a change of heart,
elephants aren't really so bad after all.

Then she got off and the waterworks started again.
Isn't this a sad face!

The whole crew mounted on top!