
Adios soccer!

Connor had his last soccer game last night.
It was a good thing, since the weather has turned cold.
He had lots of fun and was getting better and better each game!
He loved playing for "Coach Brown".

{Here are some highlights of the soccer season}

{one of the best things was having Brigham on the team}

{He had his lucky number 5 for his jersey}

{bike-riding was his mode of transportation to his games}

{2-thumbs up for the soccer season}


Homework, oh homework!

They are starting them early with homework already!
Here is Connor's first homework assignment...

{it tells all about Connor and what he likes}

So long training wheels!

A week or so ago Connor wanted to take the training wheels off,
but hasn't wanted to ride his 2-wheeler after that.

Until yesterday...
He learned to ride in all of 5 minutes!
{Much credit due to his balance bike}

Here is our very talented 3-year-old!

Do you think the tongue helps him balance?

Watch out for the chain, it's dirty!

Sweet success!!

We celebrated by sitting on camp chairs in the front yard,
drinking IBC cream sodas.

Way to go, Connor!! You are awesome!


Haircut, anyone?

On Sunday, during a Relief Society meeting, I sent Connor to go potty.
He was gone for quite some time, so I went to check on him.
Whenever your kids are unusually quiet, it usually means they are up to something.
This is what I found...

followed by,
"look Mamma, my cut my hair for preschool, all by myself!"

Then he turns around and shows me this...

After much deliberation,
we concluded to not buzz his head and just wait for his hair to grow.


Preschool, here he comes...

Connor loved his first day of preschool!
He went right in, no hesitation, and started playing.
His name in his class is Connor B.
He can't wait to go back.

His favorite part of the day ~ the slides

{he looks so old and a little nervous, I think}

Connor has 4 friends in his class, including his cousin, Brooklyn!
Thanks for being such a good friend to Connor Brooke!