
Ooo Ooo's owie

As you can see, Ooo Ooo got an owie like Connor.
Poor Ooo Ooo and Connor each have 5 stitches.
Ooo Ooo helped Connor learn how the nurse was going to take the stitches out.
We {Connor, mostly} instructed Ooo Ooo to hold really still and not move,
while Connor pulled the stitches out with tweezers.

Did it work, you ask? I think so.
Connor held pretty still and didn't fuss too much as the nurse took his out.
Much easier than putting those suckers in!!

We celebrated the success by going out for promised fruit drinks.

{Connor making some sign on his forehead}

{our brave boy}

Merry Christmas 2009

{Merry Christmas from the Brown's}

This year for Christmas we tried to do something different every day
to help the kids learn the true meaning of Christmas
and to just have fun and celebrate the season.

So each day the elves would leave a note in our advent house,
instructing us on what we were to do that day.
It proved to be tons of fun and create lots of memories.

Next year I'll be better about taking pictures of all the little adventures!

Here is a run down of what we did throughout December,
in no particular order:

make a Christmas chain
go buy toys for kids who don't have any
drink hot cocoa
play in the snow
read Christmas books
drive through the animal lights
buy food for those who need it
sleep under the Christmas tree (yes we did it, and yes it was tons of fun)
decorate Christmas cookies
act out the nativity
take daddy to lunch
set up the nativity
deliver neighbor goodies
make Christmas bread
take daddy to lunch again
ride the train and see the lights at Temple Square
have a sleepover with cousins at grandma's house
go to the church party to see Santa
take daddy to lunch again (the elves started to run out of new ideas)
go to Christmas party at preschool
write Christmas letters to Spence & Brandon, the missionaries
read Christmas nativity and watch Luke 2
make paper snowflakes
pop popcorn and watch Charlie Brown Christmas
leave our Christmas bread for Santa, sprinkle reindeer dust outside,
and go to bed early!

{sporting the new Christmas eve jammies}


No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Connor learned last night why the monkey's mamma and his mamma
don't allow jumping on the bed

{what happens when your lip meets your guardrail on your bed}

{conscious sedation, 5 stitches, and an orange popcicle later}


Christmas treasures

The things that Connor brings {or wears} home
from preschool are absolutely precious!

{Cowboy Connor}

This was our present from Connor that he did at school!
How cute is that!

{handmade ornaments}

Our tree this year is adorned with these precious ornaments from school.
I'll have to say that I've never been a big fan
of putting the school projects on the decorated tree.
But I'm now a believer. Connor is so proud of himself to put these on the tree!
Besides, I think it makes the tree look so cozy and fun!

{notice the very straight lines of candies}

I volunteered the day they did this project,
it was so fun and cute to see Connor in his element!
All the kids were so different and so cute at the same time!

{Rudolph the Red-nosed Connor}

Connor after school one day last week

{not to be outdone by her brother}

Mabel made sure, by screaming "mine",
that I take a picture of her masterpiece from nursery


Halloween in November?

So now that it is the last day of November, I'm finally getting around
to posting our halloween and events since then!

I really did try and post our halloween a few weeks ago,
but something went wrong and the photos wouldn't upload.

Well, here they are...

{our feisty pirate)

{getting ready to trick-or-treat}

{on Friday at Consulmed's Halloween work party}

{the fairy princesa}


constructive minds at work

On Sunday morning the kids were playing in the other room,
I walked in and found this...

Connor was very proud of his "underware hats"!


Arrgh, Matey!

{the boy who loves pirates}

Pumpkin Hunting

Every year we look forward to pumpkin hunting
in Grandpa Packer's pumpkin patch.
This year we had quite a successful hunting.

Connor and Mabel each found one for themselves
and then found one for Cory and me.
We are now officially ready for Halloween!


what happens...

...when a 3-year-old finds an old pair of his great-grandma's glasses?

{how does he look?}


Adios soccer!

Connor had his last soccer game last night.
It was a good thing, since the weather has turned cold.
He had lots of fun and was getting better and better each game!
He loved playing for "Coach Brown".

{Here are some highlights of the soccer season}

{one of the best things was having Brigham on the team}

{He had his lucky number 5 for his jersey}

{bike-riding was his mode of transportation to his games}

{2-thumbs up for the soccer season}


Homework, oh homework!

They are starting them early with homework already!
Here is Connor's first homework assignment...

{it tells all about Connor and what he likes}

So long training wheels!

A week or so ago Connor wanted to take the training wheels off,
but hasn't wanted to ride his 2-wheeler after that.

Until yesterday...
He learned to ride in all of 5 minutes!
{Much credit due to his balance bike}

Here is our very talented 3-year-old!

Do you think the tongue helps him balance?

Watch out for the chain, it's dirty!

Sweet success!!

We celebrated by sitting on camp chairs in the front yard,
drinking IBC cream sodas.

Way to go, Connor!! You are awesome!